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Fertility challenges, whether due to PCOS, endometriosis, or premature ovarian failure/insufficiency can increase your risk of adverse heart events. Let’s take a look at exactly how infertility—and other women’s issues—and heart health are related.
Practicing self-compassion seems like it should be straightforward, but then when you try to do it…crickets. What does it even mean?
No more tight-lipped, grin-and-bear-it downplaying of a huuuge part of a woman’s life. Menopause is a big freakin’ deal!!! Influencers, TikTokers, doctors, celebs and more are speaking out about all the changes that happen and the many safe menopause treatments that are available.
Eating for fertility doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep a few basic things in mind and you’ll be fueling your health and TTC efforts.
Unlike carbs and fat, which have been demonized off and on over the years, protein seems to sail under the radar a bit. Body builders have known its importance for decades but everyone else has taken a minute to catch on. All of a sudden everyone’s like, “eat more protein!” If you’re TTC, this applies to you too.